Erasmus+ δύο Πολωνοί Καθηγητές από το "Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture"
- Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 3:45 PM -

Από Δευτέρα 8/4/2024 μέχρι και Τετάρτη 10/4/2024 θα βρίσκονται στο Τμήμα μας μέσω Erasmus+ δύο Πολωνοί Καθηγητές από το "Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture" και θα δώσουν και διαλέξεις στους φοιτητές μας:

Dr.  Andrzej Szewczak, σε θέματα BIM (Building Information Modeling),

Dr. Przemysław Brzyski, σε θέματα Ecological building materials.

Name and surname, title: Dr. Eng Andrzej Szewczak, lecturer, Assistant Professor.

Affiliation: Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of General Construction.

Main subjects: general construction, BIM, engineering materials.

Main scientific interests: concrete, mortars, strengthening concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements using FRP tapes glued with modified epoxy adhesives, modifications of construction adhesives using powder fillers.

Classes program - Schedule:

Day 1, Monday, 08/04/2024 – BIM in General Construction – definition, the main assumptions of BIM technology, history of CAD and BIM technology, analog and digital designing (3-hour lecture: 3x45 min).

Day 2, Tuesday, 09/04/2024 – BIM in General Construction – BIM programs, their possibilities, BIM dictionary, the ideology of OPEN BIM (3-hour lecture: 3x45 min).

Day 3, Wednesday, 10/04/2024 – BIM in General Construction – BIM for architects, civil engineers, advantages and disadvantages of BIM, BIM in the world and Poland (2-hour lecture: 2x45 min).


Name, surname, title: Dr. Przemysław Brzyski, PhD. Eng.

Affiliation: Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of General Construction, Nadbystrzycka 40 Street, 20-618 Lublin.

Main topics: Ecological building materials; principles of constructing ecological buildings; general construction.

Scientific interests: Composites based on hemp shives and lime, clay and lime mortars, ecological and energy-saving construction, building materials.


Monday 08/04/2024:

·       Building materials based on industrial hemp - preparation, application, properties, building methods (3-hour lecture: 3x45 min).

Tuesday 09/04/2024:

·       Building with straw and clay/lime plasters – construction methods, characteristics (3-hour lecture: 3x45 min).

Wednesday 10/04/2024:

·       Characteristics of construction and insulating materials for building walls – Production, parameters, installation rules (2-hour lecture: 2x45 min)


INFO: Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator: Dr. Denise-Penelope Kontoni, Email: