English for Academic Purposes: Writing and Research Skills / Αγγλικά για Ακαδημαικούς Σκοπούς, Ακαδημαική Συγγραφή και Ερευνα



Συγγραφή Ακαδημαικών Εργασιών και Ερευνας

Ημερομηνία Εναρξης - Τρίτη, 31 Οκτ. 3μμ. Ισόγειο, ΚΔ

This course will be conducted in English for the purpose of improving students' Reading, Writing, and Research Skills in accordance with Anglo-American conventions of formal essay writing. 


Start Date: Tuesday, October 31st, 3pm, Ground Floor classroom, Central Building



Introduction to the course's aims, content and forms of assessment. 


We will learn the characteristics of formal writing in English and practice some of the most important aspects. Secondly, we will introduce the important concept of 'nominalisation' and apply its principles to examples in class.  

This week we will focus on an important aspect of academic writing - hedging, also known as writing with caution.

This week will focus on punctuation and in particular,  the semi-colon and the comma. We will also look at specific aspects of punctuation which are useful for academic writing.

How to paraphrase and summarize. 

This week's focus will be on how to write Topic Sentences in your essays, esp. in relation to the Thesis Statement.

We will discuss and practice writing Introductions and Conclusions.

Mid-Term Exam

Presentation Skills

Reading Skills

Effective Research

Referencing Techniques and developing an argument.

Final Presentations and Feedback
